Monday, November 24, 2008

Blog Make-Up Spot

You may post your make-up blogs in the comments section below. They are worth 1/2 credit (5 points) each.

1 comment:

Lai Saelee said...

Week three blog
I enjoyed Chapter 20 in the adventures in the Screen Trade, The screenplay of the willie and his butcher haircut from his father. I liked how adapting a short story can really tell a story. For example the big pot and small pot marble game that Willie and his friend porky was playing. Howw he described Willie's father as he approached and the description of the town as Willie goes into town to test out the new barber his father hired. Although, I wouldn't put in there how Porky says "that's a beautiful haircut". It's a little off or weird for young boys to say that to each other.

I really enjoyed reading this chapter in STORY. I now understand a lot more about how characters decisions are portrayed through structure and character. And how they are interlocked and the story is created out of choices under pressure. I also took out from the book is the ending of the story on how the climax or the last act is the most satisfying experience of all.

Week 5 Blog
Story - chapter 8 - INCITING INCIDENT - this chapter was really educational for me. That the inciting incident can either make your story weak or strong and also can lose your audience attention. for example in the chapter. Mckee gives an example of a college dropout lives off-campus near New York University. She wakes one morning and decides that she is bored and wants to move to Los Angeles. This is a little boring and would not catch my attention. On the other hand, a kitchen wallpaper from parking tickets, then a loud pounding at the door by the police with the warrant of her arrest for unpaid tickets causes her to escape down the fire escape heading west to Los Angeles.

Week 6 blog
Story - chapter 10 - Out of this chapter I got the most out of setups and payoffs. I could definitely put what I learned in this chapter into my writing to tell a story. I also enjoyed the examples that Mckee gave on the reading about setups and payoffs with Chinatown and The Empire Strikes Back.

Week 7 blog
Story - chapter 5 - In this chapter, I really took a lot out of it. True Character is revealed in the choices a human being makes under pressure. The greater the pressure, the deeper of the characters nature is revealed. Character and story goes hand in hand because you can't change the character without changing the story to match your character. And by the climax of the story it also can make or break your story because if your climax does not have any motive or weight to end the story.

Week 8 blog
Story - in the chapter "Structure and Genre" I did not realize that there were that much more genre and sub genre out there. I think that this list of genre's can really help the writer stick to a story with the ideas that they come up with and not to lead off into another direction of the story or genre if they tend to stick to a particular genre. I myself am having this problem with the final treatment because I have a lot of ideas that I want to put into my treatment, but it will eventually probably throw my story off.