Monday, October 13, 2008

Welcome to Your AI Scriptwriting Blog!

If you have not already emailed me at , please do so. Remember to include your name, email address, contact information and what you hope to learn from the class in the body of your text.

=) Mariah


jmkingston said...
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William Paulo said...

William Paulo

As I began to read story again this week I found a lot of what the author was initially talking about seemed a lot like a review for me from Mariah’s, and Mrs. Erickson’s previous classes. The simple structure of the “story” in portions and simple structures, what I’m confused on so far is if the story is formulated in a certain way, how did Quinton Tarentino put his stories together? Well I guess that’s another class.
The sections on repeated magnitude were kind of informative, but I felt, as though it should be more common knowledge, I would hope anyways.
Something I found that was new and informative was the author’s take on what makes a character three-dimensional and how to motivate that character properly with the right amount of complexity, and contradictions for further depth. I had to read the section twice, because I read through it so fast I didn’t think I got all the information.
I had also never really heard the expression called extra-personal conflict (often mindless action).